Oslo, 9 December 2020. Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement by Webstep ASA ("Webstep") on 4 December 2020 regarding the results of Webstep's offer of shares to employees (the "Offer").
Following the payment date for the Offer, the total number of shares sold to employees participating in the Offer is 234,074. Webstep has today, on 9 December 2020, transferred in total 234,074 shares to the 220 employees who participated in the Offer.
Following the sale of shares in the Offer, Webstep holds 59,559 of its own shares.
Correction related to the stock announcement by Webstep ASA ("Webstep") on 4 December 2020 regarding the results of Webstep's offer of shares to employees (the "Offer"). Following the sale of shares in the Offer, the primary insider Anders Bjørnestad’s new aggregate holding of shares with his close associates is 24,795 shares.