The Board of Directors of Diös revises its previous proposal for a dividend and proposes to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2020 to resolve on a dividend of SEK 1.65 per share. The consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic are currently not foreseeable, why the Board is announcing a new dividend proposal to create greater flexibility.
The Board of Directors considers that the previously proposed level of dividends would not jeopardize the Company's ability to continue operating according to the business plan and support its tenants despite the challenging circumstances arising from the Coronavirus pandemic. Diös financial position remains very strong, both in terms of capital and liquidity, but due to current uncertainty, it is the Board's view that the dividend should be revised in order to further increase preparedness and create freedom of action for the future.
The Board of Directors therefore proposes a dividend for the financial year 2019 of SEK 1.65 per share, to be distributed on 2 July. The Board of Directors' previous proposal for dividend was SEK 3.30 per share, divided on two occasions.
Diös' Nomination Committee has announced in connection with this that they are proposing
unchanged remuneration to the Board for 2020, an amendment from previous proposals where
a small increase was proposed.
The AGM is scheduled for June 16, at 13:00, in Östersund. For further information regarding the arrangement for the AGM, please see the notice to the AGM, which will be sent out on 14 May.