Prior to the Annual General Meeting of Diös Fastigheter AB (publ) on April 23, 2019, the Nomination Committee hereby announces its proposal regarding the Chairman of the Board and other Board members.
The Nomination Committee propose:
- the Board should consist of five members,
- re-election of Bob Persson, Ragnhild Backman, Anders Nelson and Eva Nygren,
- to elect Peter Strand as a new Board member after Anders Bengtsson declined re-election, and
- to elect Bob Persson as Chairman of the Board.
Peter Strand was born in 1971 and holds Master of Science in Engineering and Technology from Lund University. He has previously held senior positions in the real estate companies Drott and Akelius, and has been CEO of the listed companies Victoria Park AB, Annehem Fastigheter AB and Tribona AB. Other significant ongoing Board assignments consist of Chairman of the Board of Swedish Logistic Property AB and Mandiri AB and Board member of Viktoria Park AB, Fridab AB and Rosengård Fastighets AB.
The Nomination Committee consists of:
Bo Forsén, Chairman of the Nomination Committee and representative for Backahill Inter AB.
Bob Persson, Chairman of the Board and representative for AB Persson Invest.
Carl Engström, representative for Nordstjernan AB.
Stefan Nilsson, representative for Pensionskassan SHB Försäkringsförening.
The Nomination Committee represents 37 per cent of the votes in Diös Fastigheter.
The Nomination Committee’s complete proposal will be presented in the notice of the Annual General Meeting.