Diös is acquiring three properties in Gävle, Borlänge and Mora city centres. Each property will be a complement to Diös’ current portfolio and part of the company’s Urban Development strategy. The total value of the properties amounts to SEK 282 million and the total lettable area encompasses some 21 000 square metres. One of the properties is “Centralpalatset”, which is located in front of Gävle Central Station. The seller is Provinsfastigheter and transfer of ownership will take place on February 15, 2019.

All properties acquired are centrally located in each city and contain mostly commercial and residential premises. In Gävle the largest tenant is “Nordens Teknikerinstitut” the national upper-secondary school focusing on technology, science and IT. The property in Borlänge comprises mostly residential premises as well as some commercial premises. The largest tenant in Mora is Systembolaget.
The transactions will take place in a company form and the result will be reported in the first quarter of 2019.
“The acquisition of these properties is a perfect strategic fit for us and part of our urban development plan for each of the cities concerned. We strengthen our existing portfolio and thereby our opportunities to drive further development in our cities,” says Lars-Göran Dahl, Head of Business Development, Diös.

For further information please contact:
Lars-Göran Dahl, Head of Business Development, Diös Fastigheter
Telephone: +46 (0)10-470 95 04
E-mail: lars-goran.dahl@dios.se