Property management income has continued to improve, increasing by 11 per cent year on year. The surplus ratio has increased, driven by higher rents as well as reduced costs.
- Rental income increase was 3 per cent and totals SEK 922 million (896)
- Property management income increase was 11 per cent to SEK 469 million (421)
- Unrealized changes in property values amounted to SEK 131 million (227) and for derivatives to SEK 1 million (12)
- Profit after tax was SEK 493 million (587)
- Earnings per share were SEK 3.63 (4.34)
− The first half of the year has been good. Several new build projects that will add a further dimension to our business are well under way, and we are cutting our costs and increasing the value and quality of our portfolio. Diös has a unique position and a well diversified property portfolio that continues to generate strong and stable cash flows, says Knut Rost, CEO.