Press Release Details 5.23

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Diös Fastigheter double its property portfolio in Skellefteå


Diös Fastigheter acquire five properties totalling 51 000 sq. in central Skellefteå. Sellers are Skellefteå kommun, Fastighets AB Polaris and Skellefteå Kraft.

- The transaction is a natural step in our strategy to concentrate our property portfolio to central locations in growth areas in northern Sweden. Skellefteå meets our investment criteria and we see great opportunities to take an active role in the development of an attractive city, says Knut Rost, CEO of Diös Fastigheter.

- To achieve our goal of becoming 80,000 citizens, we need to allow more players to develop commerce and other business activities in the city and the municipality, says Lorents Burman (S), Mayor.

The acquisition, which takes the form as company acquisition, doubles Diös Fastigheter holdings to a total of 104 000 sq. The underlying property value is SEK 653 million. The properties consist of 60 per cent offices, 19 per cent hotels and 21 per cent other. The largest tenants are the municipality of Skellefteå, Scandic Hotels and Tieto. The average lease term is 6.1 years.

The properties included in the transaction are Hjorten 5, Sleipner 5, Sirius 16, Sirius 24 and Sirius 25. The properties will be transferred on December 1st 2015.

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