- All proposals approved.
- Following the general meeting, the Board of Directors constituted itself with Mr. Samuel Szteinbaum as the chairman.
Aalborg, April 30 2015 – Asetek A/S (OSE: ASETEK) today held the annual general meeting at its address in Aalborg, Denmark. The annual meeting approved all proposals set forward by the Board of Directors.
The general meeting took note of the report by the Board of Directors and Management and the audited annual report for 2014 was approved and carries forward the consolidated loss (USDm 8.8) to next year.
The Nomination Committee reported on its activities during last year. The committee noted that board member Bengt Oluf Thuresson did not make himself available for reelection. The Nomination Committee proposed Joergen Smidt for election to the Board of Directors. Thomas Vogt did not make himself available for election to the Nomination Committee. Instead, Scott Pagel was proposed for election.
The following members of the Board of Directors were all re-elected:
- Samuel Szteinbaum
- Chris J. Christopher
- Knut Oeversjoen
- Peter Gross
- Jim McDonnell
- Joergen Smidt was elected to the Board of Directors, which henceforth consists of the before mentioned six individuals.
The following were elected to the Nomination Committee:
- Samuel Szteinbaum
- Ib Soenderby
- Scott Pagel
Following the general meeting, the Board of Directors constituted itself with Mr. Samuel Szteinbaum as chairman. Ib Sonderby is chairman of the Nomination Committee. Knut Oeversjoen is chairman of the Audit Committee, and Samuel Szteinbaum is chairman of the Compensation Committee.
The general meeting approved with a qualified majority of votes the amended proposal to increase and extend the authorization in Article 6.1 of the Articles of Association for the Board of Directors to issue warrants.
The general meeting authorized the Board of Directors to, until the next annual general meeting, to acquire the Company’s own shares.
PricewaterhouseCoopers, State Authorized Public Accountants were re-elected as auditors.
For further information, please contact:
André S. Eriksen, Chief Executive Officer
Mobile: +45 2125 7076, e-mail: ceo@asetek.com
Peter Madsen, Chief Financial Officer
Mobile: +1 408 813 4147, e-mail: investor.relations@asetek.com