PHOENIX, March 8, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Limelight Networks (Nasdaq:LLNW), a global leader in digital presence management, has received the ranking of a Strong Performer in The Forrester Wave™: Online Video Platforms Q1 2013, published March 8, 2013. The Forrester Research report evaluated select companies on 21 criteria related to current offering, strategy and market presence with Limelight and its Orchestrate Video 2012 platform receiving the highest scores for Content Delivery Network (CDN) support, search and metadata support and among the highest scores for extensibility.
According to the report, "Limelight's video platform differentiates in ease-of-use through its interface, its seamless integration with Limelight's CDN and integration with Limelight's WCM (now called Dynamic Site Platform)."
Limelight's Orchestrate Digital Presence Platform is a powerful suite of cloud-based services enabling companies to create and deliver a consistent digital experience across web, tablet, mobile, social and large screen channels. From videos to Tweets, Orchestrate empowers organizations to deliver their digital content efficiently and tell their story effectively, every way and everywhere. It offers easy to use rich media integration that can enliven the sharing of any digital story, along with the ability to manage, tag and search video content.
"With seamless delivery of media-rich content, Limelight provides a streamlined viewer experience that helps drive competitive advantage for users," said Kirby Grines, Co-Founder and VP of Marketing & Sales at Float Left Interactive. "Limelight bolsters our end-to-end video streaming solution with a set of innovative digital presence management tools and powerful global reach. That unparalleled support has enabled us to improve our users' viewing experience and expand our business into new vertical markets."
"We are extremely pleased to have been cited as a Strong Performer in online video platforms by Forrester Research. We believe this ranking helps to validate our company vision and ability to deliver solutions that enable companies to tell their story in the most effective way possible," said Kirby Wadsworth, chief marketing officer at Limelight. "A growing number of companies are realizing the benefits of video in enhancing customer interaction and improving brand value. Limelight continues to experience tremendous momentum with our Orchestrate Digital Presence Platform that integrates video and web content to ensure our customers are able to deliver a consistent and powerful digital experience to their audiences regardless of device, location, or channel. We believe this recognition by Forrester reaffirms our commitment and ability in helping our customers deliver rich, provocative digital content across the globe."
The report is available for download at compliments of Limelight.
About Limelight
Limelight Networks, Inc. (LLNW) is a global leader in Digital Presence Management. Limelight's Orchestrate Digital Presence Platform is an integrated suite of cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS) applications, which allows organizations to optimize all aspects of their online digital presence across web, mobile, social, and large screen channels. Orchestrate leverages Limelight's scalable, high-performance global network to offer advanced features for: web content management; website personalization; content targeting; online video publishing; mobile enablement and monetization; content delivery; transcoding; and cloud storage — combined with social media integration and powerful analytics. Limelight's team of digital presence experts helps organizations streamline processes and optimize business results across all customer interaction channels to deliver exceptional multi-screen experiences, improve brand awareness, drive revenue, and enhance their customer relationships — all while reducing costs. For more information, please visit
CONTACT: Media contact:
Chris Drago

Source: Limelight Networks