Press Release Details

SDRL - Minutes from the Annual General Meeting 2020


Hamilton, Bermuda, December 4, 2020 - Seadrill Limited (the "Company") advises that the 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company was held on December 3, 2020 at 11:00 a.m., at Par-la-Ville Place, 4th Floor, 14 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton, Bermuda. The audited consolidated financial statements for the Company for the year ended December 31, 2019 were presented to the Meeting.

In addition, the following resolutions were passed:

  1. To re-elect Directors as follows:
    • Birgit Aagaard-Svendsen;
    • Herman Flinder.
  1. To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditors of the Company and authorise the Directors to determine its remuneration.
  1. To approve the remuneration of the Company’s Board of Directors for a total amount of fees not to exceed US$1,500,000 for the year ended December 31, 2020.
  1. To deem the vacancy on the Board of one (1) Director as a casual vacancy for the purposes of the bye-laws of the Company and to authorise such vacancy to be filled at a later date at the discretion of the Board.

Changes to Directors

Peter Sharpe has decided not to stand for re-election at the AGM and therefore resigned as a Director of the Company with effect from December 3, 2020.

Kjell-Erik Ostdahl has decided to resign from the Board of Directors of the Company with effect from December 3, 2020.

Commenting on this decision, Glen Ole Rødland, Chairman, said: “I would like to thank Peter and Kjell-Erik for their dedication, enthusiasm and expertise. Both have played key roles on the Seadrill board since they took up their seats in 2018.”


This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.