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Heimstaden Bostad scores its first CDP rating


Heimstaden's subsidiary, Heimstaden Bostad AB, recently submitted its first CDP report ever, covering FY 2019. Heimstaden earned a place on the CDP’s Climate C List, which for first-time reporters is considered good. CDP is the world's largest survey of large corporations' ambitions on climate change and environmental protection

CDP’s annual environmental disclosure and scoring process is widely recognized as the gold standard of corporate environmental transparency. By participating, companies provide investors with an objective overview on how well they are dealing with climate change.

An important part of Heimstaden’s overall strategy is to contribute, inspire and enrich the society with sustainable actions, solutions and communication and we think it is important to be transparent through disclosing our environmental impact. As a first step in the CDP-reporting, Heimstaden Bostad made a Scope 3 emissions assessment covering 2019, disclosing the climate management and impact.

“We are happy that our efforts have been recognized, our goal is obviously to increase our CDP-status over time, but consider the report is our first, I think we can be quite proud of the rating we received. It shows we have come a long way in a short period of time”, says Katarina Skalare, Chief Sustainability Officer at Heimstaden

About CDP
CDP is an international non-profit organization that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests. CDP is the world's largest survey of large corporations' ambitions on climate change and environmental protection. Thousands of organizations in 60 countries around the world measure and disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and climate change strategies through CDP.