Press Release Details

Interim report january-june 2019

  • Rental income for the period increased to SEK 2,181 million (1 542) 
  • Real letting ratio for housing was 98.4 percent
  • Net operating income for the period increased to SEK 1,194 million (802)
  • Net financial items amounted to a negative SEK 549 million (334)
  • Profit from property management, excluding exchange rate differences, was SEK 608 million (463)
  • Changes in values of properties amounted to SEK 3,216 million (1,605)
  • Changes in values of derivatives were negative in the amount of SEK 356 million (12)
  • Profit for the period increased to SEK 2,434 million (1,725)
  • Property acquisitions during the period amounted to SEK 20,802 million (13,651)
  • Cash and cash equivalents amounted to SEK 3,295 million (6,801)
  • Unutilised credits amounted to SEK 6,836 million (1,102)
  • Profit after tax per ordinary share amounted to SEK 202 (122)

Today, 100,000 residents and fellow humans live in Heimstaden properties. This means that we strive to actively contribute to the development of a sustainable society”, says Patrik Hall, CEO Heimstaden.

”During the quarter, we signed the UN Global Compact. As registered adherents to the Compact, we have become a member of the sustainability family considers changing our planet for the better to be our collective duty”, Patrik Hall continues.

For further information, please contact:

Patrik Hall, CEO                                                                                            +46 705 85 99 56 

Magnus Nordholm, CEO Fredensborg AS and acting CFO Heimstaden      +46 705 29 31 44 

This information is such information that Heimstaden AB (publ) is obliged to publish in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Market Act. The information was submitted, through the agency of the above contact persons, for publication on August 30, 2019 at. 09:00 CET.