Our property management income increased by 8 per cent and our investment volume has continued to rise. Net leasing was strong, totalling SEK 18 million in the third quarter and SEK 31 million for the period. Through our clear strategy and strong local teams, we have established a unique position that leads to continued successes.
- Rental income increase was 2 per cent and totals SEK 1,386 million (1,363)
- Property management income increase was 8 per cent to SEK 721 million (669)
- Unrealized changes in property values amounted to SEK 256 million (327) and for derivatives to SEK 1 million (16)
- Profit after tax was SEK 792 million (890)
- Earnings per share were SEK 5.83 (6.59)
− We are creating growth and are also generating a strong and stable cash flow. Our share price performance in the third quarter shows that these qualities are appreciated by the market. We have the courage to think new by using new technological solutions and engaging in new partnerships. Add to that the fact that we are creating new revenue streams through ancillary services and new business concepts, and the future looks very exciting, says Knut Rost, CEO.