Press Release Details

Diös Fastigheter Interim report Jan-Mar 2018


Rental income continues to increase, the occupancy rate is improving and our financial position is becoming stronger. The loan-to-value ratio is down to 56.7 per cent and the equity ratio has increased to 35.3 per cent.

  • Rental income increase was 11 per cent and totals SEK 445 million (400)

  • Property management income was SEK 187 million (179)

  • Unrealized changes in property values amounted to SEK 109 million (210) and for derivatives to SEK 6 million (9)

  • Profit after tax was SEK 229 million (326)

  • Earnings per share were SEK 1,70 (2,60)

- In our priority cities, we strive to be the first choice for tenants by really making a difference. Providing more than just space is becoming increasingly important. We add value by listening to and understanding our tenants and the needs in our cities, along with creating vacancy chains and attractive venues. Sustainable urban development creates growth for us and, ultimately for our shareholders as well, says Knut Rost, CEO.